Well hello there! It's been a while since I traveled anywhere, but this time it's a doozy as we went for a road trip, not a little one, but one that took over thirteen hours of driving! Stinkypaw wanted to attend yet another meet-up and this one was taking place in Halifax, Nova Scotia - two provinces over heading East. She managed to convince her better half to accompany us and off we were!
As we drove through New Brunswick, there were many patches of wild daisies, and since it's always been a dream of mine to lay in a field of wild flowers, Stinkypaw pulled over, during the little stretch of road she drove, since Hubby drove most of the way, and indulged my fantasy...
Don't I look like the cutest thing among these flowers? I sure think so... Good thing she stopped when she did, because an hour or so after, it started to rain and it poured for the rest of the way, really crappy drive, if you ask me, and I wasn't the one driving! By the time we arrived in Halifax, the rain calmed down some, so that was nice. I was happy to get out of the car and welcome the nice bed after that long and exhausting day.
Saturday the weather was trying to clear up some, so they decided to walk around some and explore while slowly making their way towards the café where the meet-up was being held. Along the way we passed this big city sign and just had to take that tourist shot...
Can you see me among the flowers, bottom right? I know I`m small, but I'm all there! Not long after that, we stopped at a local whole in the wall type of place, very bohemian, which turned out to be a café but also a youth hostel. The had good breakfast burritos and Hubby had his first local beer, which according to Stinkypaw fitted him perfectly since an old friend of his used to call him ''Propeller Head" turned out to be a nice IPA, according to him...
After the pit stop we kept walking, heading towards the meet-up place. Ten ladies were partaking in this one, four locals, two from Ontario and four from Québec. It was quite the Hen Party, lol and many postcards were signed. Don't know the total tally since the organizer had made an official card, and two others also did their own cards, so there were lots of cards!

After the meet, some were heading home, others went out for dinner and we followed one of the locals. Turned out we made our way to a restaurant where a bunch was supposed to be, but we did not see any of them there, so after waiting for a while, we decided to go some other place along the water front. We had a great dinner, great company - nice to put a face (and more!) to a Bacefook and Postcrossing profile and actually get to know them. After dinner Hubby and Stinkypaw kept on walking along the water front, even if all the shops were closed by that time, but they spotted a few places to come back to for Stinkypaw to get some postcards. Along the way I actually ran into a public figure in Canada, so I had to take a picture with this old Prime Minister of Canada...
He's never been a good looking man, but he always wore his red rose on his lapel, such a sharp dresser!
After a good night sleep, we started our day by walking downtown. We walked through the Halifax Public Gardens, beautiful place, full of trees and so many flowers, I was so happy...
Look at these purdy flowers...
Today the sun was shining at 23 degrees (not bad!), but man oh man is it windy here! They had a bite to eat on a roof top terrace, and then made their way back to the waterfront for Stinkypaw to get some postcards. After some shopping, they stopped for a refreshment (of course!)...
Nice spot they chose, by the water but somewhat protected from the wind. Hubby had another local beer and I think he was afraid I'd take a sip or something...as if!
I much preferred her root beer floatie... that was quite yummy!
And this concluded the first chapter of our road trip 2019. Stay tuned!