Sunday, March 20, 2016

This is the Tenth and last counted trip...Toulouse

... I could keep on counting but I won't after this, but I sure will keep on sharing my adventures with you.  Summer came and went, and to start 2016 Stinkypaw and He decided to sell their downtown condo.  They managed to sell quickly, good timing, good price, good riddance! One of the fun thing about their sale was the fact that the new owners wanted to move in quickly.  She started packing boxes, and was all ready when February came around...

Closing up shop - deciding if I will be stored or simply packed...
We moved out by the 26th of February to park ourselves in a furnished apartment for two months, while their new place was being built.  Can you spell S.T.R.E.S.S?  I could!

During that time, He had to go to Toulouse, and Stinkypaw and I tagged along.

This was on our first night there, at the café of the hotel where we stayed... a little French wine, of course!

Stinkypaw didn't really take me around while she visited the city on foot.  But she did have me pose with those two red things, which were reminding her of her childhood...

She actually brought me out once, when she went to meet another Postcrossing member for a mini-meet.

This was the little stack of cards that they prepared that afternoon... Actually, they talked more than anything and didn't send that many cards.  Can't have everything, and they were enjoying themselves, so it's all good!

When we'll get back from Europe, we have a week at in the temporary home before taking off for a week in Vegas!