We left Cape Breton yesterday. It looked like the sky could open up at any moment, and it sure did along the way! Again, we traveled in the rain, and not just a little! When we left Baddeck, it was cloudy and the more we were heading West the cloudier it got.
Cape Breton and its people were nice. Would I want to go back? Not really. Been there, done that, wouldn't really want to do it again... It was nice, but I think we've seen nicer on our way back home... Halifax was nice and there I wouldn't mind going back. Don't think I will anytime soon, but still, it is a nice little city.

Heading home, we took a different path, and basically went around the other way in New Brunswick, going through different towns, and along the coast. It wasn't as woodsy as on the way to Nova Scotia. It might have been nicer if it didn't rain so darn much!
We crossed to Québec, using an inter-provincial bridge (between New Brunswick/Québec) not too far from Matapédia. To my surprise they had this cute covered bridge, so we had to take a picture. There were a few of those along the way, and not everyone was this cute and well maintained... some I would not have wanted to cross!
Since they had decided to break their ride home rather than doing it in one day like we did on the way there, they had reserved a little motel in Pointe-au-Père where Stinkypaw had stayed a few years back, when she attended a meet-up there (that is in Rimouski). The location of that place is right on the water, by the lighthouse. Yet another!
This morning when we were getting ready to hit the road again, you could barely see the lighthouse from the motel - and it is about a five minutes walk, at most! There was this think fog, making the waterfront really eerie...
After seeing the place in this thick fog, we all wondered how ships did it on the sea with fog like this... no wonder they hit things!
We also hit some rain, but on and off, and the closer we got to home, the clearer it was getting... the sky that is, not the road! There was quite a bit of traffic, people heading off for the long weekend most likely. Many caravans, cars and trucks loaded, trailers, etc. I guess vacation time started for many. Here we're crossing the Pierre-Laporte Bridge in Québec...
We did well on time, and despite a few rocks being kicked up from other cards - all in Québec by the way, nothing like that while visiting "Canada"... I guess the road conditions have a lot to do with this.
Also, the closer we got to Montréal, the more expensive the price of gas was. Interesting things you notice when paying attention to not only the scenery!
Anyway, we are now home. Everything is unpacked and put away and at this very moment, I'm just happy to be out of the car!